David Manan successfully defended his MS thesis.
David Manan successfully defended his MS thesis.
On Wednesday, June 26th 2019, Dr. Alok Sutradhar presents “Design of 3D printed Architected Structures and Materials for Engineering and Biomedical Applications Using Topology Optimization” in the Structures and Applied Mechanics Seminar Series. Dr. Sutradhar is Assistant Professor in Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering at The Ohio State University. The presentation takes place at Room #306 of the Castleman Building.
Joseph Johanson successfully defended his MS thesis.
MSC Software training workshop was hosted on April 10, 2019 by the School of Engineering and the Connecticut Manufacturing Simulation Center.
Manufacturing simulations such as Simufact Welding, Forming and Additive Manufacturing were addressed along with interactive discussions among industry participants.
On February 8th, 2019, Professor Kim and his PhD student, Sukirti Dhital, had an NIH project meeting at NYU with Prof. Yu Zhang and his students. It was a productive meeting and we look forward to having such a meeting in a regular basis.
On November 15, from 9:30am-1:30pm, first workshop for MSC softwares is organised at the UConn School of Engineering Student Union-Room 304. You can register for the event at: http://pages.mscsoftware.com/UCONN-Workshop.html
MSC partners and UConn School of Engineering have announced their partnership. To learn more about it, please go in to this link: http://www.tenlinks.com/news/msc-partners-with-uconn-school-of-engineering/